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The Way, The Truth, and



"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

 Eph. 5: 15,16  (NKJV) 




Alarm Clock

Quick, time is running out!

The Gospel of God's Kingdom is the most important message that ALL Christians need to be sharing with others in these End Times!

Please take the time to "test all things!" (1 Thess. 5:21) Make sure that the information that you are reading on this website concerning the "Gospel of God's Kingdom" is lining up with scripture by looking them up for yourself.


Humbly go to God in prayer and ask Him for His Holy Spirit. When you do this God will start working on your heart, so that soon you will start seeing and discerning things spiritually that you would never have seen before while you were walking in the flesh. Please thank Yahweh, your Father in heaven, for His loving kindness and mercy

Please know that I am not some "Pastor", nor do I have some church that I want you to become a member of. I am simply a follower of Jesus Christ who seeks to proclaim that Heavenly Government (or Kingdom) that is soon to come. 

If you want to talk with me further about what you are discovering on this site, then feel free to call or text me at 843-781-6072. If I am not able to answer my phone then please leave your name and a brief message.

May the love and peace of our God and our Lord Christ Jesus be with you and your family!

Your brother in Christ,



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